Commercial AV Integrator

Providing commercial audio-visual systems for houses of worship, performing arts, conference centers, executive conference rooms, museums, athletic fields, education, healthcare and much more

Commercial AV Integrator

Providing commercial audio-visual systems for houses of worship, performing arts, conference centers, executive conference rooms, museums, athletic fields, education, healthcare and much more

Central Kentucky Commercial and Pro AV Integrator

Multipurpose Design

Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit volupta tem accusan tium doloremque.

Beautifully Designed

Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit volupta tem accusan tium doloremque.

Clean And Modern

Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit volupta tem accusan tium doloremque.

Fully Customizable

Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit volupta tem accusan tium doloremque.

What I can offer you

Lorem ipsum dolor

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua.

Consetetur sadipscing elitr

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua.

Sed diam nonumy

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua.

What they say about me

Suspendisse ornare erat lacinia elit dapibus tempus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Donec vel ornare libero. Morbi suscipit vehicula varius. Maecenas at fringilla velit. Aliquam pretium rhoncus erat ac commodo. Sed pretium nisl ac nunc pellentesque aliquam.

Corey Williams

Donec sit amet mauris pulvinar, molestie dolor id, varius ligula. Sed quis ornare neque, rhoncus porta arcu. Integer aliquet odio at egestas ultrices. Fusce ut eleifend dui. Curabitur enim lacus, volutpat id cursus eget, laoreet sit amet ante. Praesent vitae ultricies metus. Aenean rhoncus orci leo, vehicula gravida odio tristique non.

Sarah Anderson

Suspendisse potenti. Donec sit amet orci a lectus tempor lobortis et et arcu. Nulla at molestie nisi. Curabitur sit amet iaculis nisi, a gravida risus. Mauris neque enim, auctor vel elementum et, rutrum vel dolor. Mauris ipsum risus, vulputate in porttitor in, sollicitudin id tellus. Vivamus vel tristique mi. Praesent luctus metus quis tempus faucibus. Vestibulum eget congue lectus.

Jim Thurston

Morbi blandit venenatis semper. Nullam ut feugiat nibh. Quisque ac ultricies quam, quis aliquet orci. Phasellus eu nisi ultricies, porttitor augue nec, dictum velit. Proin rutrum fringilla cursus. Sed non odio magna. Phasellus nec sodales lectus, ut pretium nisi. Vestibulum eu est ut ipsum eleifend tincidunt.

Dean Hathaway

ICE- In Case of Emergency

I recently received another annoying urban legend email, however, this one actually had a good point. What it suggested is that everyone add a contact in their cell phone labeled ICE ( In Case of Emergency). This way if you are in an accident and the paramedics need to get a hold of someone fast all they have to do is look for your ICE contact. I would also suggest if you use someone like your spouse that you also…

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Tiger! Cool New Feature!

The coolest new feature in Tiger? Well in my humble opinion, the answer to that question is that it does not install Microcrack Internet Exploder! Of course you have to do a clean install to observe this wonderful feature.

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Grrr Bad OCA Website!

Well I went to the new “enhanced” OCA website, and was sorely disappointed to find out that it was broken. Actually it is broken in the two browsers of my choice, Safari and Firefox. It appears to work fine in Microcrack Internet Exploder, which is a shame (given that exploder is full of security vulnerabilities and just plain stinks as a browser). I hope they fix it soon because I enjoy visiting daily. Maybe one of my website design guru…

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Our Church!

WhooHoo! Our church is featured on the front page of the Orthodox Church in America’s website. We have been placed there since it is missions appeals month and we are a mission in the Diocese of the South, a diocese of the Orthodox Church in America. It is kind of shocking to be running through your daily list of web pages and come across one with your picture. In other good news we have also just received eight people to…

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Welcome to the blogsphere!

Welcome to the blogsphere! Carrie Winter is a catechumen (very soon to be faithful) at our church. She is also quite the poet and here poetry can be read here at Practicing Sanity. Welcome Carrie!

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Dashboard v. Konfabulator

Well now that the dust has settled or at least seems to have settled, I have found an article that though a little lengthy sheds a lot of light onto the debate. It is here:

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Trading What?

Ok surfing the net I came across this article. There are two new reality series coming out this fall. One on ABC called “Wife Swap”, and the other on Fox called “Trading Spouses: Meet Your New Mommy”. Although the networks are claiming the shows are not as racy as the title implies, this still sounds like a very, very, bad idea. Of course this is all coming from someone who never really understood the whole reality tv thing. I mean…

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