Commercial AV Integrator

Providing commercial audio-visual systems for houses of worship, performing arts, conference centers, executive conference rooms, museums, athletic fields, education, healthcare and much more

Commercial AV Integrator

Providing commercial audio-visual systems for houses of worship, performing arts, conference centers, executive conference rooms, museums, athletic fields, education, healthcare and much more

Central Kentucky Commercial and Pro AV Integrator

Multipurpose Design

Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit volupta tem accusan tium doloremque.

Beautifully Designed

Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit volupta tem accusan tium doloremque.

Clean And Modern

Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit volupta tem accusan tium doloremque.

Fully Customizable

Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit volupta tem accusan tium doloremque.

What I can offer you

Lorem ipsum dolor

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua.

Consetetur sadipscing elitr

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua.

Sed diam nonumy

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua.

What they say about me

Suspendisse ornare erat lacinia elit dapibus tempus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Donec vel ornare libero. Morbi suscipit vehicula varius. Maecenas at fringilla velit. Aliquam pretium rhoncus erat ac commodo. Sed pretium nisl ac nunc pellentesque aliquam.

Corey Williams

Donec sit amet mauris pulvinar, molestie dolor id, varius ligula. Sed quis ornare neque, rhoncus porta arcu. Integer aliquet odio at egestas ultrices. Fusce ut eleifend dui. Curabitur enim lacus, volutpat id cursus eget, laoreet sit amet ante. Praesent vitae ultricies metus. Aenean rhoncus orci leo, vehicula gravida odio tristique non.

Sarah Anderson

Suspendisse potenti. Donec sit amet orci a lectus tempor lobortis et et arcu. Nulla at molestie nisi. Curabitur sit amet iaculis nisi, a gravida risus. Mauris neque enim, auctor vel elementum et, rutrum vel dolor. Mauris ipsum risus, vulputate in porttitor in, sollicitudin id tellus. Vivamus vel tristique mi. Praesent luctus metus quis tempus faucibus. Vestibulum eget congue lectus.

Jim Thurston

Morbi blandit venenatis semper. Nullam ut feugiat nibh. Quisque ac ultricies quam, quis aliquet orci. Phasellus eu nisi ultricies, porttitor augue nec, dictum velit. Proin rutrum fringilla cursus. Sed non odio magna. Phasellus nec sodales lectus, ut pretium nisi. Vestibulum eu est ut ipsum eleifend tincidunt.

Dean Hathaway

Home Sick

Well it appears that this crazy work schedule has finally caught up with me. I am stuck at home feeling under the weather. Sleeping a lot. I hope things will begin to slow down.

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Work, Work, Work

Well one of these days maybe I will get to sit down at my computer and blog on a daily basis, but until then you will just have to deal with my sporadic updates. It is very frustrating having things on your mind that you want to say and having nowhere to put those thoughts down because of work, and by the time I do sit down at my computer I draw a complete blank and just want to go…

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Gospel of James

I was planning on waiting until December to post this, but do to recent discoveries I feel it appropriate now. Here is a link to the Gospel of James. Yes I realize that it is not canonical in any church, however, it is an important text because it explains a lot of what the Catholic and Orthodox churches believe about Mary and the Incarnation of Jesus. So please read and for what it is tradition, not fact or fiction, just…

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Appalachian Traditional Music Festival

Setting: Appalachian Traditional Music Festival Phelps-Stokes Auditorium Berea College Berea, Kentucky As you walk into the turn of the century auditorium with and the old creaking floor that is common to so many buildings of this era you look up and notice a wrap around balcony, as your eyes travel upward thirty feet, you notice one of the most beautiful ceilings around, a giant grid-work with deep inlaid wood. There is a sense that great moments for Berea College have…

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I’m Back!

Well due to lots of working, some travel, and servers being down the last ten days have not been very conducive to blogging. Hopefully that trend is changing. On another note, my family and I just returned from camping with my father-in-law in Pigeon Forge, TN., along with the rest of the east coast (the only slightly annoying part of the weekend). We had beautiful weather and a whole lotta fun with family and friends (the Powell’s were there to…

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Well I just finished a 76.5 hour work week. and boy is it good to be finished. Also Happy belated birthday to James!

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Internet Panhandling

Evidently there is a new trend in which panhandlers have gone high tech, and they are not even trying to conceal it. After doing two minutes of looking further into this to find out if it is fact or fiction here are two sites I found immediately., and Now far be it from me to buck trends, I mean look I am pretty much a “johnny come lately” to the blogging world because I had friends doing it…

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Missing Colorado

Have you ever been to a place or lived in a place that just resonates with your being? I was born in Fort Collins Colorado in 1974 (no wise cracks I know I am young). I lived there until 1985 at which point we moved to Ohio. I have been able to return their 3 times since the move. It has been almost ten years since my last visit and a longing for home has taken me. My wife says…

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This is not about computers!

For those who might actually read this and not be interested in computers, it is not going to be all about computers. That is just what happens to be on my mind these days as I was trying to get my desktop up and running and this wonderful ‘blog’ up. Some other topics that I hope to touch on in the next few postings will be new housing for my family, movies (I just finished watching The Majestic, a must…

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