Some friends of mine said I should try They said it was fun and easy to get started. HA! Well Thursday of last week I filled out the registration form and eagerly awaited my confirmation email. After an hour or so it still had not come, so I submitted to have another sent, along with reading the fine print that said this could take up to 24 hours to be received, and if it was not received let them know via the help forums. The following evening I still had not received an email, so I went over to the forums to search for an appropriate place to post my problem. After finding no place my post I decided to try and go ahead post a new topic. Unfortunately one has to be registered to post, which was the whole problem. Thanks for the suggestion guys. So I decided to go ahead and submit for yet another conformation email. After that I decided to look around the site and see what more I could learn about “playing the game”. While doing this I discovered that if I scroll down a little further on their front page I come to a news section which explains that their mail server is down. The sever would not be back up until Monday. Monday I got three confirmation emails. I tried the link in all three and all three returned an unable to confirm address. So I ask for yet another confirmation email. This one came late Monday night. I was finally able to confirm my address and log on. Okay now for the fun to begin, I went to claim my blog. Nope! After several minutes of searching I found a place the told me to find instructions on how to list my blog I needed to visit the faq section. So I followed the link to the faq section to find out that it was currently offline for updating. However they did give me a convenient link to the manual. After several minutes of scanning throughout the manual I discovered that in order to list your blog one must list with However once listed with it could take anywhere from 1 minute to a week before you end up on Blogshares. So now I am sitting waiting to see if I have done everything correctly in order to claim my blog. I hope I do not have to jump through many more hoops, or the possible fun I could have with this will be ruined.